

camel(name, firstCharUpper)

Convert a database field or an upper-case parameter containing underscores (_) to the camel case format, i.e. lowercase and the underscore remove and next character to uppercase.


var x = utils.camel("ABC_DEF",false); -> x = "abcDef"

var x = utils.camel("ABC_DEF",true); -> x = "AbcDef"


camelToSnake(name, toUpperCase)

It is the opposite function of the camel-case function: it converts a camel case string to snake case, i.e a string expressed in lowercase with an underscore (_) separating each uppercase character in the original string.


var x = utils.camelToSnake("abcDEF",false); -> x = "abc_d_e_f"

var x = utils.camelToSnake("abcDEF",true); -> x = "ABC_D_E_F"



It converts an attribute name to a field name, according to Java convention.


var x = utils.uncamel("abcD1",true); -> x = "ABC_D1"

Get translation, given an entry


var translation = utils.getResource(entry)


Get translation for a specific language, given an entry


var translation = utils.getResourceByLanguageId(entry, languageId)


Get language id for a specific username


var languageId = utils.getLanguageIdFromUsername(userId)


Log a message


utils.log(msg, type);


Since 5.2.1 version





Set the return message

this method can be omitted; in that case a default json message with success: true will be sent back




response - string value: messagge to send back

Convert a number to its text representation


var text = utils.numberToText(num, decimals, languageId, showDecimals, sep)


Round a number to the specified number of decimals


var result = utils.round(num,decimals)


Get absolute path of WEB-INF/classes folder of Platform application


var path = utils.getBasePath()


It can be helpful for instance to get the basedir for a more complex organization of files.

Get a parameter value


var paramValue = utils.getParameter(paramName)


Remove time from date


var newDate = utils.removeTime(java.util.Date date)


Convert the date to String with the specify format

(default: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")


stringDate = utils.convertDateToString(java.util.Date date, String format)


Convert the date String to a javascript Date

helpful in case you want to use convert a date expressed as a String into a javascript Date (do not pass forward the javascript Date directly to a SQL instruction: convert it to a Java Date before, using the methods below).


var javascriptDateValue = convertStringToDate(String dateAsString,String format)


Convert the date js object to a java.sql.Date (for a DATE typefield)

helpful in case you want to use it with a utils.executeSql or utils.executeQuery methods and pass it as a parameter


var javasqlDateValue = utils.convertDateToSqlDate(java.util.Date date)


Convert the date js object to a java.sql.Date (for a DATETIME/TIMESTAMP typefield)

helpful in case you want to use it with a utils.executeSql or utils.executeQuery methods and pass it as a parameter


var javasqlTimestampValue= utils.convertDateToTimestamp(java.util.Date date)


Execute a command on the shell

Optionally, a list of arguments can be passed to the command.

It returns the exit code produced by the command execution


var exitCode = utils.executeShellCommand(command, arg1, arg2, ...)


Convert a javascript object to its JSON representation


var json = utils.getJSONString(obj);


Convert a list of javascript objects into its JSON representation


var json = utils.getJSONList(jsObjectsList);


Note: this result is NOT compatible with an Ext.grid.GridPanel data protocol: see getListResponse instead.

Convert a list of javascript objects into its JSON representation and embed it to a “Ext.grid.GridPanel like” data representation

based on “valueObjectList”, “resultSetLength” and “moreRows” attributes


var json = utils.getListResponse(jsObjectsList, resultSetLength, moreRows);


Replace all occurrences of the “specified” pattern within “text” with the new value


var newtext = utils.replaceAll(text, pattern, newValue)


Returns a new text where all occurrences of “pattern” have been replaced with “newValue”.

Enqueuing server-side js actions

enqueueAction(queueName, actionId, params, priority, processWaitTime, logExecution);

The arguments are:

  • queueName– optional: queue name; if not specified, the process will be enqueued in the DEFAULT queue

  • actionId– server-side javascript action identifier to execute

  • param– javascript object containing parameters to pass to the action

  • priority– optional; if specified, processes within the same queue will be sorted according to the priority rathe than to the enqueuing time

  • processWaitTime– optional; if specified, the process will not be started before that time, expressed in seconds

  • logExecution– true to log in the predefined table LOG60_LOGS the execution of the process

Note: the javascript object specified through the "param" can accept an optional attribute named "queueTimeout": when the action execution time overpasses that value, (expressed in minutes), the element is marked as "timeout" in the queue and the queue is then unlocked, in order to allow extracting new elements from it. Note that the current action is still under execution and this could create drawbacks in case of actions which should be executed sequentially, since the work on the same set of data,by writing them.

There is a variant of the method described above, having one more argument:

enqueueActionWithNote(queueName, actionId, params, priority, processWaitTime, logExecution, note);

where note is a string value which will be saved in the NOTE field of the CON77_QUEUES table. This field can be helpful to carry out custom logic on the enqueued elements, for instance to execute statistics about the amount of data not processed yet.

Enqueuing multiple elements in queue, starting from a SQL query

It is possible to speed up the enqueuing process of a large amount of elements, starting from a SQL query whose result (a list of records) represents the data to pass forward to each element in the queue. For each record read from the SQL query, an element is enqueued in the specified queue: such an element would receive in input the current record.

This can improve the enqueuing process of about 40%.


  String queueName,String payload,Long actionId,
  Long datasourceId,String sqlQuery,Object[] params

Adding a web service invocation as a process to a specific queue

var queueId = utils.enqueueWebService(queueName, url, params, priority, processWaitTime, logExecution);

The required arguments are:

  • queueName– optional: queue name; if not specified, the process will be enqueued in the DEFAULT queue

  • url– shell command to execute

  • param– js object containing parameters to pass to the web service

  • priority– optional; if specified, processes within the same queue will be sorted according to the priority rathe than to the enqueing time

  • processWaitTime– optional; if specified, the process will not be started before that time, expressed in seconds

  • logExecution– true to log in LOG60_LOGS the execution of the process

Adding a shell command as a process to a specific queue

var queueId = utils.enqueueShellCommand(queueName, cmd, priority, processWaitTime, logExecution);

The required arguments are:

  • queueName – optional: queue name; if not specified, the process will be enqueued in the DEFAULT queue+

  • cmd – shell command to execute

  • priority– optional; if specified, processes within the same queue will be sorted according to the priority rathe than to the enqueing time

  • processWaitTime – optional; if specified, the process will not be started before that time, expressed in seconds

  • logExecution– true to log in LOG60_LOGS the execution of the process

In case you need to create a dynamic link which allows you to access a Platform web application, linked to a specific username, you can use this method:

var token = utils.createAllowedLink(
  expirationDays, // expirationDays = 0 for no expiration

The required arguments are:

  • expirationDays – optional: it defines the validity of this link, expressed as number of days; if not specified, the link is always valid

  • maxTimes – optional: it defines the validity of this link, expressed as the number of times it can be used; after reaching this number, the link cannot be used anymore; if not specified, the link is always valid.

This method returns a token, which is a dynamically generated text you can include when logging on the web app.

Note: the link can become invalid either if it reaches the expiration time or when it has been used the max number of times.

Important note: it is strongly recommended to always specify at least one of the 2 arguments, so that the link will expire: this will make your Platform web application more secure.

In case you need to create a dynamic link which allows you to access a Platform web application, linked to a specific username and you also need to pass forward additional data, you can use this method:

var token = utils.createAllowedLinkWithRtk(
  expirationDays, // expirationDays = 0 for no expiration

The required arguments are:

  • expirationDays – optional: it defines the validity of this link, expressed as number of days; if not specified, the link is always valid

  • maxTimes – optional: it defines the validity of this link, expressed as the number of times it can be used; after reaching this number, the link cannot be used anymore; if not specified, the link is always valid

  • rtk - additional data to include, expressed as a String. You can get this content through the getEncodedRtk.

This method returns a token, which is a dynamically generated text you can include when logging on the web app.

Note: the link can become invalid either if it reaches the expiration time or when it has been used the max number of times.

Important note: it is strongly recommended to always specify at least one of the 2 first arguments, so that the link will expire: this will make your Platform web application more secure.

Enconding data to send externally

In case you need to encode data which you need to send outside, for instance in a link, you can use this method:

var token = utils.getEncodedRtk(String... data);

The required arguments are:

  • data – data list to encode

This method returns a String object, that can be used for instance in the method createAllowedLinkWithRtk.

Note: this method will NOT encrypt data: it only obfuscates data, by not makes it visible in plain text.

If you need more protection and encrypt data, use the method getEncToken instead.

Encrypting data to send externally

In case you need to encrypt data which you need to send outside, for instance in a link, you can use this method:

var token = utils.getEncToken(String... data);

The required arguments are:

  • data – data list to encode

This method returns a String object, that can be used for instance in the method createAllowedLinkWithRtk.

Decrypting data received from the outside

In case you need to decrypt data which has been previously encripted and you need to decode it, you can use this method:

var data = utils.decodeEncToken(String token);

The required arguments are:

  • token – encrypted content, expressed as a String received in input

This method returns a String object. Important note: use this method only in combination with getEncToken, since it can only decrypt content previously decripted by it.

Adds or subtracts the specified amount of time to the given calendar field, based on the calendar's rules

You can use:

utils.addDate(String field, int amount): //use a current date; 
utils.addDate(String date, String format, String field, int amount): //convert the date with the specify format 
(default: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")


Convert a text to an hash key (md5)

MD5 is an hash function you can use to convert a text to a text-based key; multiple invocations to the function with the same input always provide the same result, but the hash function does not provide a unique value: different texts could return the same hash key. This is helpful to check out on the database table the existence of a specific record, starting from its md5 representation.

var md5Text= utils.md5(String text);


Setting a value in a value object to save from a server-side js action

In case you are saving data from a grid or form, using the standard Platform saving system (form Save button on the UI), you can inject new attributes or change attribute values just before saving data on the server. Using the "before saving data on insert/update" event, you can link a server-side js action. Here you can execute any kind of business logic and the use calculated data and inject it in the "vo" which is just to be saved, through the following method:

utils.setAttributeValue(String attrName,Object value);


Convert a javascript object to a JSON string to work with in an action

In case you need to convert a javascript object to a JSON string within a server-side javascript action, you can use the following method:

var jsonString = utils.stringify(Object obj);


Such a method is helpful in case of a complex object containing java-type objects rather than javascript-type data.

As an alternative, you can use the standard javascript utility function:

var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonCarrello,jsonReplacer)

Convert a javascript object to a JSON strings compatible with a database field

In case you need to convert a javascript object to a JSON string you wanna save in to a database field, you have to save it using escape characters, otherwise it would be impossibile to use JSON.parse() later. This is a utility method you can use for that:

var jsonString = utils.stringifyForDatabaseField(Object obj);



var obj = {
  text: "ABC"
var text = utils.stringifyForDatabaseField(obj);
// text is "{ \"text\": \"ABC\" }"
// and it can be saved into a database field and then used to be reconverted to a js object

Invoking a server-side action from another one

When you need to invoke a second server-side js class, starting from a first server-side javascript action and pass forward some input data, you can use one of the following two methods, deferring only for the transaction management:

  • utils.executeActionSameTransaction(Long actionId,Map vo,Map params,Map headers) - the invoked action inherits the same transaction, that is to say, if the first one has written data in the database and does not commit data yet, this data is visibile from the second action as well

  • utils.executeAction(Long actionId,Map vo,Map params,Map headers) - the invoked action creates its own SQL transaction, which is independent from the one owned by the first action; pay attention in such a scenario: you cannot see data written by the first action not committed yet and you cannot update data written by the first action or this would leads to a database lock!


var actionId = ...
var vo = {
var jsonResult = utils.executeActionSameTransaction(
  {}, // params,
  {}  // headers

The action invocation is synchronous in both scenarios: the calling action suspends its execution until the called action terminates; moreover, in case of exceptions not managed by the called action, these exceptions will be propagated to the first action , which must be designed to manage them as well.

Setting the company id in a server-side js action if not null

In case the company id has not been set yet, this method allows to set it.

utils.setCompanyId(String companyId);


Force the company id in a server-side js action

This method set the company id in a server-side js action, independently of the fact the company id has been already set or not.

utils.forceCompanyId(String companyId);


Force the site id in a server-side js action

This method set the site id in a server-side js action, independently of the fact the site id has been already set or not.

utils.setSiteId(Long siteId);


Set a value to Redis cache

This method allows to cache a value to Redis server. In order to do it, you have first to setup correctly the Redis server connection, through the global parameters in the REDIS group.


utils.setVaueInRedis(String key,Object value,Integer timeoutInSeconds)


Get a value from Redis cache

This method allows to retrieve a value previously cached in Redis server. In order to do it, you have first to setup correctly the Redis server connection, thorugh the global parameters in the REDIS group.


var cachedValue = utils.getValueFromRedis(String key)


Delete a value from Redis cache

This method allows to remove a value from the Redis server. In order to do it, you have first to setup correctly the Redis server connection, thorugh the global parameters in the REDIS group.


utils.deleteValueFromRedis(String key)


Increment a numeric value from Redis cache

This method allows to increment by 1 a numeric value previously cached in Redis server. In order to do it, you have first to setup correctly the Redis server connection, thorugh the global parameters in the REDIS group.


var cachedValue = utils.incrValueFromRedis(String key)


Decrement a numeric value from Redis cache

This method allows to decrement a numeric value previously cached in Redis server. In order to do it, you have first to setup correctly the Redis server connection, thorugh the global parameters in the REDIS group.


var cachedValue = utils.decrValueFromRedis(String key)


Push a list of string values to Redis cache

This method allows to push for an entry a list of values, cached in Redis server. In order to do it, you have first to setup correctly the Redis server connection, thorugh the global parameters in the REDIS group.


var cachedValue = utils.pushValuesToRedis(String key,String[] values)


Pop a value from an enrty containing a list of values from Redis cache

This method pop the first element of a lis of String values previously cached in Redis server for a specific entry. In order to do it, you have first to setup correctly the Redis server connection, thorugh the global parameters in the REDIS group.


var cachedValue = utils.popValueFromRedis(String key)


Last updated